Could somebody share an experience please. For example I have Photo+depth pair from Reality Capture and want Sampler to get rid of small shadows ,make the height from photogrammetry less blurry and get rid of typical photogrammetry artifacts.
Sampler turns unresponsive then makes something crap looking not even close to material .
De-lighitng works like just simple hipass with halos evrywhere killing all color nuances at the same time. Normal map look like a bit blown up , ugly at low sun angles . Better than decade old crazybump but still close to same style .
I can't even find a way to make it use depth image from reality capture to improve upon. Am I missing something ? Is there any better AI tools lately to do materials?
it's sampler Ai vs somewhat blurry and full of random artifacts height from reality capture ortho projection . I hardly can recognize same place in what AI did . Is there a way to make Ai see already existing height?