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Getting Feedback on Portfolio - Where? How?

Is there anywhere on polycount (or anywhere else that isn't reddit) that I can kindly ask people to give me constructive feedback on my portfolio?

I've been working in the industry since ~2005. But since 2015 I was working for a studio that had me do... horrible things for money (just 3d models) so my skills have fallen a bit out of date. That's mostly under NDA anyways.

Now this studio is floating face down in the water and I've sent over a thousand CVs with almost zero feedback. Horrible timing I know, but the bills don't care.

Long story short... it seems my portfolio is in dire need of a couple of slaps from someone who is less out of touch. Where can I turn to?


  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    where's your 'folio bro
  • ThisisVictoriaZ
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    ThisisVictoriaZ polycounter
    It would definitely be helpful to post a link to your portfolio in this thread. Otherwise I know there are many 3d art related discords where you can get portfolio reviews, I would suggest avoiding some of the larger ones since there is less of a chance of getting feedback due to multiple people requesting reviews everyday. Good choice avoiding reddit lol I might even suggest reaching out to people who work at studios that you like, or do an art style that you like on LinkedIn or x (twitter) as they might be willing to give you advice if they have free time. Good luck!
  • Jorge_Gonzalez
    There it goes

    I avoided it posting it right away to avoid being an ass. Figured there would be a proper place to ask for feedback and wanted to post it there.

    Context is utterly irrelevant because I need feedback to improve my chances of getting hired (which hasn't happened in 4 months now, so I'm pretty sure something's off in my portfolio).

    If anyone has an answer for this... is there a way to show to potential employers stuff that's under NDA? Without breaking it I mean. Most of my NDA'd stuff is quite boring (industrial stuff)... but some pieces are nice.... and it's 9 years and counting of NDA work so I'm sure I can find some nice stuff here and there.
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    the industry is in a bad spot, thousands have been laid off so you're competing against senior AAA devs who are also having a tough time getting a job.

    If you want to tailor your portfolio towards getting hired, focusing and organizing is a good idea. I currently see characters and environments and a car; I would separate the three, and then focus on improving one of them - so ask yourself if you want to be a character artist, environment artist, or hard surface / prop artist. I would hide the illustration for kids, unless you want to be a 2d artist.

    Technically it's not allowed, but artists often show work that is under NDA to recruiters when asked.

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