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Zbrush for iPad is out

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Zack Maxwell interpolator
Has anyone tried it? I've been waiting eagerly for this; I prefer working on my iPad whenever I can, and I've been searching for a good alternative to my stagnant perpetual license of ZBrush that'll likely stop working at some point.

I'm disappointed they did go the subscription route, but it isn't at all surprising and the rate is reasonable. My real concern was that they'd charge $20-30 a month for it and I'd probably just skip it. But $90 a year is at least a fair price. Way more reasonable than the desktop version :/

I've only tried the free version a bit so far. I love the UI changes and the camera touch navigation is goddamn beautiful, but it's hard to really test it out because the free version has neither the ClayBuildup brush nor any alternative buildup brush. I couldn't even find an option to add buildup to a brush. This makes the free version functionally useless, but I'm hoping this is an issue of incompetence rather than malice. At least then they might patch it when they realize what they did.
I'll likely pick up the full version tomorrow.


  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth
    The free Ipad ZBrush version apparently can´t export so it is just a viewer at best.

    If you want a Sculpting program on Tablets with a perpetual license, try out Nomad.
  • Rima
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    Rima polycounter
    myclay said:
    The free Ipad ZBrush version apparently can´t export so it is just a viewer at best.

    If you want a Sculpting program on Tablets with a perpetual license, try out Nomad.

    I got a small tablet for portable sculpting and tried Nomad. It's quite decent; the brushes don't really function the way you'd expect coming from ZBrush, though, at least to me. Took some adjusting to. But being able to rotate the model any way you like just by touch is extremely convenient. Especially if you switch on gesture controls for rotation.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I never tried Nomad Sculpt. I kept putting it off because I didn’t want to pay to demo it.
    I messed around with the full version of ZBrush for iPad yesterday though, and so far it seems to be just as functional as ZBrush on desktop. Except for ZModeler, which they’re supposedly working on adding still.
    So far I like it more than desktop, because it has a far cleaner UI and touch navigation.
    My M1 12.9 iPad Pro capped out around 11mil polys while running fine, which is low if you're doing realistic art. But I’ve read that people on the M4 models can get around 15 times that amount.
    I’m going to work on a finished model in it next, rather than just playing around.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I like it a lot so far, and agreed while nomad is cool it doesn’t work for me in a practical sense since the brushes seem to lack the sculpting subtleties I’m used to in zbrush. Hard to explain without going way too far in depth here, but simply brushes work almost exactly the same in zbrush for iPad as desktop version.
    Biggest disappointment right now is lack of spotlight and camera saving. This means all you can do is eyeball your sculpt, which I’d honestly say if that’s how you really work in production you’re doing it wrong. So this somewhat surface level feature, actually means it’s not production ready. The next issue is no zmodeler, which I constantly use in my workflow, but at least one could stick to head sculpting and leave more intense zmodeler required sculpting to desktop. So actually not having zmodeler in my mind is less of an offense right now.
    its 10.00 a month for just the iPad version which is what I’m doing right now. Wish I could link up with the full latest version, but I have a perpetual license zbrush 2022.0.8 which does all the main stuff I need so I’m avoiding upgrading. If they fix these two issues i might bite the bullet and pay the full monthly cost just cause I love working on iPad and it legit improves my quality of life since I work on a pc at home all day in my office.
    Anyway just thought I’d share my experience so far, and state the one thing no one seems to be talking about is referencing matching not being here.  One thing on that subject I did learn is you can import an image and apply it to a background plane, but since you can’t save a camera there is no real consistency with that camera matching workflow, so again not really much better then just eyeballing it.
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