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[WIP] Washing machine ENV looking for feedbacks

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efwfew16 polycounter lvl 5
Hi everyone
Using this concept art I found on artstation ( https://www.artstation.com/mukholov )

I'm creating a similar scene on Unreal, looking for some feedback as i've been sitting too long wondering how to improve it more.

A few things:
- I haven't finish the lighting (and the bg! ) at all, only some few tests. I'd like some general critique on modeling/texturing and if anything stands out in particular (I know it's very exposed!)

- The goal is to have a little 3-5 secs video of the fish swimming. I'm not an animator at all, I know the quality of the animations isn't very good, it's ok for me. Heres a preview from my UE:  https://streamable.com/w7pu8r (Rewatching I think the blue towel animation should change though hahah...)

-Id love some suggestion for the background/lighting as well.  i've played around with different type of floor, and I've been struggling especially with the background: how to place sand piles, how tall, if I should add anything else like plants (which i've tried but I thought it was out of place) For the lighting i'm probably gonna go with a midday, sunset and night pic.



  • efwfew16
  • chai45

    Everything is looking good so far to me. I like your materials and your color palette.

    However, I find the composition a little confusing. Is it the bottom of a pool or the ocean? I think you need to put elements in the background that make it clear what it is.

    In my opinion, it is not clear immediately where the smaller water volume begins and ends.

    Also, I feel like there’s a lot going on in the small water volume around the washing machine, especially with the caustics and refraction. It may make what is inside that volume, such as your fish difficult to read. You may need to tweak the camera angle or your water shader.

    Keep at it!

  • efwfew16
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    efwfew16 polycounter lvl 5
    chai45 said:

    Everything is looking good so far to me. I like your materials and your color palette.

    However, I find the composition a little confusing. Is it the bottom of a pool or the ocean? I think you need to put elements in the background that make it clear what it is.

    In my opinion, it is not clear immediately where the smaller water volume begins and ends.

    Also, I feel like there’s a lot going on in the small water volume around the washing machine, especially with the caustics and refraction. It may make what is inside that volume, such as your fish difficult to read. You may need to tweak the camera angle or your water shader.

    Keep at it!

    Thanks ! I had a similar feedback from a friend about the composition, I'm kinda freestyling it lol
    I like the floor and variations of it so it's probably gonna end up as a bottom of a pool...at the bottom of an ocean. Hahah clearly i need to find something

    Noted about the readability of the water, I tested so many different things for the water material in the end you kinda just want to add everything at once x) but simpler is better
    Cheers thanks for the feedback !
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi! Along the lines what chai45 wrote: Presentation-wise, I would either go for a cropped diorama (as in the concept) or a more thought out environment. A waterline underwater (that's how I read the render) and wall tiles without a wall look a bit weird in my opinion. Color-wise you could do an overpaint to find the right colors, as currently some clothes visually merge with the surrounding (blue towel). Keep it up!
  • efwfew16
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    efwfew16 polycounter lvl 5
    Fabi_G said:
    Hi! Along the lines what chai45 wrote: Presentation-wise, I would either go for a cropped diorama (as in the concept) or a more thought out environment. A waterline underwater (that's how I read the render) and wall tiles without a wall look a bit weird in my opinion. Color-wise you could do an overpaint to find the right colors, as currently some clothes visually merge with the surrounding (blue towel). Keep it up!

    Thanks ! I changed the color of the towel as someone also told me it blended too much in the env. Currently testing but probably will go in the orange
    Here is an old screenshot I did trying to get closer to the original concept
    I have mix feeling about it, I like it in a way but also feels very empty. I would like to go with the "more thought out environment' just struggling a bit creative wise on how to go about it ah. But ill do more test with a similar camera angle and with the current scene.

    Just a question: what do you mean by  "A waterline underwater (that's how I read the render) and wall tiles without a wall look a bit weird in my opinion." Should I extend and duplicate the "walls" all the way left to right of the image ?
    Heres two more old screenshots without the "underwater" feeling:

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