This thread will document my journey through learning and growing (heh) my garden of knowledge in foliage & vegetation production, the specialism I'd like to have as an environment artist! Although I intend to tailor my work towards stylisation and hand-painting, I'm still experimenting with and learning more realistic styled workflows as well, which is what I'll start this thread off with

(You can see a glimpse of my endeavours with stylised, hand-painted foliage in
my group project's thread!)
Ponderosa pines at various ages:

A creosote and winterfat bush:

These are still WIPs while I research some more into developing a good shader and make more tweaks and changes to the models. The main thing I'm wrestling with ATM is good lighting and getting the subsurface scattering working properly. I'll update these eventually with better presentation and more details like tri count and LODs