So, my depth map started like this with no bg in keyshot, it looked like a mask (img #1), then when i added a plane as a background, it became pure white, and again the equalize histogram did nothing. PLEEEASE HELP! i absolutely need a functioning depth map and haven't got help with this for days
edit: I FOUND THE ANSWER. The issue was i was exporting as regular psd and not psd-32bit!! make sure you change the output to psd-32bit and check the add to psd checkbox. open the psd file in photoshop, and under the render passes folder, the depth pass will be there, from there you can copy it into a new document and do image, adjustments, hdr toning, equalize histogramSETTINGS

If that doesn't work maybe an answer from this thread points you in the right direction.
Good luck!
Oh oops you solved it.