I am still paying my own Photoshop subscribtion but haven't found anything useful in it for very long time. Curious about "shadow re generator" as a way to get rid of shadows for de-lighting albedo but very much doubt it will work . And it's in a waiting list for forever already.
Tried today their sbsar support for procedural filters. Works even worse than with Painter . Non stop puzzles. Tried to do simple height to normal filter in Designer. Doesn't work at all except in 32 bit mode .
Ai selection still unable to distinguish anything related to materials or textures.
Am I missing something cool?
I use inkscape and affinity photo instead most of a time due to convenient linking options, more non-destructive features and simple to use frequency separation script. Easy to fix/edit height channel from photogrammetry with real time normal map preview (contrary to Photoshop) . Inkscape allows simple copy/ paste in Designer, Photoshop doesn't.
Oh yeah, and no ability to install custom plugins, like Xnormal, or Flaming Pear, or Nvidia DDS. But whatever, 98%.
Thanks Eric. Does it have random flip and rotate option in content aware fill?