I'm a student in Memphis, and I'm working towards getting a job/freelancing in the drafting industry. I realize a lot of people could use my skills in their businesses so i just wanted to ask if anyone has any advice on going to local businesses near me and convincing them to let me take on some of there AutoCAD work. I look and read the job listings for the jobs i'm applying for.
Anyways, really trying to work so i can move up in my life and although i don't feel passionate about Construction...i do like engineering and cars....I'm taking a test monday at a Floor Plan/Drafting company to see if i can get a position/experience i've talked and known the boss for about a year now and i'm in school currently
If you don't have work samples to show, how do you want to convince people to work with you? If in school and still learning, maybe look for an internship first. Generally I think there not much chance of long-term success jumping into freelance right away, without prior production experience/hard skills.
Good luck!