I'd gladly join a cool project as either a 3D artist or Unity Developer. I'm not looking for paid opportunity however what is really important to me is adequate scale of the project - I'm not looking for neither something so boasted that won't be finished in a decade nor for something so small that I could finish on my own in couple of months. What I'm looking for is interesting project during which I'll be able to learn how is it to be a part of Development Team and one that will give me opportunities to do great things for my portfolio.
When I think about myself as 3D artist I certainly cannot say I'm jack of all trades. I won't be able to deliver characters or creatures however if you are looking for some porps or enviroment models then I can be your guy. Also sculpting is not my strong feat - I definitely feel much stronger in hard surface modeling than in organic.
As for my experiences, I started learning 3D art around 2021 and I already have my first experiences in the industry. It was however over two years ago and lasted for only couple of months. After that I've been developing my career in IT but not in the gamedev and not as a 3D artist in any extent. Here goes my portfolio (I know that is just one model and also one made two years ago, but at the moment I have nothing more representative to show):
I have even less to say about myself as unity developer - I started learning c# year and a half ago and after couple of months I switched to .NET, so while I kept increasing my programming skills I certainly got away from GameDev and Unity. I have no previous work experience as programmer - neither Unity Developer nor .NET Developer.
That being said I feel like I'm a point where I can really bring something to the table at either of the roles and so I guess I'll develop in the one where I felt I have better perspectives. What I mean by that is that most likely will choose a project that will be better suited for my current needs. I must add here that I'll be only available up to 10 hours weekly (unless it'd be a paid offer, but even then most likely I won't be available full-time). It is also important to me to find a project where work starts more or less immediately (I kind of find one team I hope to do great things with, but it seems to me that they are couple months away from the point where I'll be needed).
So if after reading all that you feel like we can do something great together then do not hesitate to comment or dm me. I'll be looking forward for any offers and starting collaboration with someone ASAP.