Hi. Recently, plasticity has been making a splash on the 3D modeling market. High Poly modeling has never been so easy and enjoyable despite some limitations of the software itself. However, the problem is getting Low Poly from a model imported from Plasticity. Isn't a subdiv-based workflow faster than retopo with plasticity? What do you think and is it worth switching to this software?
It really all comes down to one one's ability to do the raw polymodeling needed for a clean retopo - and that's just as true if the high is a subdiv or a CAD model.
Plasticity 1.4 is the last version till 2.0 comes out.
Fusion is a pain in the arse but being able to load the CAD file directly into Max allows you to adjust surface parameters before mesh conversion which can save a lot of time in the basic mesh cleanup you normally need to do before you can even start removing geometry you don't need.
Fully agree, after the first couple tries, my interest on Plasticity has waned quite a bit upon that realization which you eloquently put into words.
Concentrating on only a couple complimentary programs means less to know shortcuts, less fatigue, other unexpected woes like possible breakage points due to I/O and most important aspect; more time for art creation.
Sub-D + some slight workflow/ thought changes are (to me) the way forward.