we are working on a print machine operation simulator, which is (hopefully) going to be used as an education tool in schools. We are only 2 people working on it, for as long as about 2 years now.
The basic concept is to create a dozens of printing machines and player would be able to operate each of them. So far we have created one, with almost all game mechanics, reifined controls and almost finished tutorial series.
Here is an image of an in-game screenshot:

There is a lot goin on. We have created artwork, game menu, sounds, animations, game, art and design game documents, 3D models of printing machines etc. We have also managed to get mechanics like outline and similiar to work in VR, including unique ones.
We began with almost zero knowledge for VR development 2 years ago and built everything ground up, either by buying some assests, creating ours or by combining these. However, as the development consist of only 2 people, one programmer and one digital artist, we have decided to look up for more people. Furthermore, as of 2024, there is only one person working on a game, brigning it to a hold.
If this project did not spark an interest in you, here is a brief video with a conclusion:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6CLXBIVp0Its important to mention that the used language is slovak. Altough we do speak fluent english, due to target audience we had to use the spoken language, but there are future plans for multi-language version due to possible expansion abroad.
In case of interest, I am also willing to show you more via discord or just chat about the game. The development is quite open-minded, shaping the final result on the go, despite having the idea about final product. I could go on, instead I list positions needed:
- Programmer - does not matter if you are new, as you can learn on the go, given specific tasks. Having skills in VR development is welcomed, as we struggle with some game mechanics. [This position is crucial for project]
- Game opimatisation - We do have some plugins for this, but have no skills nor the personal capacity to dig deeper into this. Game runs about 30 fps on Oculus 2 via pc, altough our aim was to run it as standalone.
As for other positions, anyone willing to learn is welcomed. Some game mechanics still needs refinment, that includes animations, scripts, 2d and 3d graphics or even ideas.
You can contact me here on forums, or by discord - company5910
It is an unpaid work, altough I do offer a symbolic payment based on the ammount of work. The aim is to create a dozen of printing machines, that we could showcase and hopefully get either a grant or a sponsor.
Looking forward to hear from you,