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need some portfolio feedback

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Hi, everyone! So I was looking for some feedback on my portfolio. 
I posted here before but didn't get any response, so I thought I would give it another try.

But I really need some feedback/criticism to understand what I'm lacking. so for me, I'm a prop/texture artist and I like to make 3d models and texturing(weapons, props, tile texture). I worked as a freelancer for past years and now I want to land a job as a prop artist. Is that even possible? 

would really love to hear some criticism even if it's harsh words about what I need to change or get rid of.

thank you for reading my words. Hope I will get some feedback.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The handsaw has very similar looking edge wear on every edge, I'd break that up and consider putting more unique wear and details on different parts of the saw. Like did the inside of the saw run up against what it was cutting while it was being used? Did the user hold the metal guard while using it to try to brace it? Would the middle of the blade have more wear from use than the ends?
  • jahid
    Thank you so much for the feedback about the saw. I will try to fix what you said about the saw. I didn't have that question in my mind before, which was a mistake. thanks for this. It will make more scenes if I answer those questions through the fixes. I would love to hear overall portfolio feedback if you can.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Nice portfolio :) While it looks nice, I think the Old ATM Machine could be cut. The old subway is nice but lacks some character. Would be nice if there were props inside it instead of feeling empty. Sci-fi panel material looks cool but I think its a little simple for a portfolio. Overall cool portfolio, definitely hireable. Would open up more doors if you broadened your style range and did more full environments. Good luck :)
  • kanga
  • jahid
    Thank you for the feedback. Can you tell why would you cut the atm machine? Is it too much/overwhelming in terms of texture? I have no idea but I try to mimic the ref I found with the all-over stickers. Not sure if it still does not tell a story or something. For the subway, would you recommend something to add to not make it feel empty? For the sci-fi panel, yes you're right, I should remove it. I'm more into props and texture, but I would like to add more props and texture work before I dive to work on an environment. But I will definitely do that! Again thank you so much for this.
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    i think it would benefit you to create things people have not seen before. Stuff like the axe is great imo. You clearly have a good grasp on the technicals, but pulling creations from the ether, to design something original & to have it look good is a large part of being an artist, and is a way for you to stand out.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The ATM is well made, but with your portfolio you're trying to grab a hiring person's attention, and the ATM doesn't do that as much as your other pieces. For the subway, maybe try and tell a story. Who was just here? What did they just do? It could be as simple as an old newspaper and a still smoking ashtray, or as intense as a gun with bullet shells around it on the ground. Currently it's just an empty environment. Well made, but empty and devoid of story/interest.

    There are prop artist roles out there, but imo, you have a higher chance of scoring a job with full environments, which really is just props put together and then lighting it.
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