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3D Space-Fighter Models - Unreal Engine 5 (FILLED)

Updated to show that position has been filled

I'm developing a Space Dogfighting Game in the Unreal Engine as a personal project.  I need a variety of space-fighter models as playable craft along with a variety of ship-weapons to arm them with.  This game is intended to be playable in VR, so the models will need to include cockpits that are Unfurnished:  Lacking controls such as buttons, switches, and flight sticks that will be added in the Unreal Engine.  These models will need to be provided as either .blend files, .fbx files, or Unreal 5.3 assets

I intend on paying for these models up-front, but one-at-a-time.  Just be aware my budget is limited, I'm paying for this with my day-job.

If you're interested, send me a message with your rates and work portfolio.

The level of detail that I'm looking for would be something similar to the aircraft in VTOL-VR (albeit without the moving parts, weapons, or cockpit controls), example below.
Details need to be included are hard-points to mount weapons, RCS Thrusters that can 'push' the craft in any direction, main engines, and a cockpit with good visibility for first person views and VR Play.  All of these can be static elements.
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