I was using this Mel script to switching between different camera angles for years but when I updated to Maya 2024 it stopped working.
Thank you.
global proc switchCam(int $snap)
int $check = 0;
string $switchCam;
string $switchCamP = "switchCam_Persp1";
string $switchCamO = "switchCam_Ortho1";
if(`objExists $switchCamP`)
$switchCam = $switchCamP;
$check = 1;
if(`objExists $switchCamO`)
$switchCam = $switchCamO;
$check = 1;
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
$switchCam = $switchCamP;
camera -centerOfInterest 5 -focalLength 35 -lensSqueezeRatio 1 -cameraScale 1 -horizontalFilmAperture 1.4173 -horizontalFilmOffset 0 -verticalFilmAperture 0.9449 -verticalFilmOffset 0 -filmFit Horizontal -overscan 1 -motionBlur 0 -shutterAngle 144 -nearClipPlane 1 -farClipPlane 100000 -orthographic 0 -orthographicWidth 30 -n $switchCam;
select $sel;
string $currentCam = `lookThru -q`;
float $camPos[] = `xform -q -ws -m $currentCam`;
xform -m $camPos[0] $camPos[1] $camPos[2] $camPos[3]
$camPos[4] $camPos[5] $camPos[6] $camPos[7]
$camPos[8] $camPos[9] $camPos[10] $camPos[11]
$camPos[12] $camPos[13] $camPos[14] $camPos[15]
int $ortho = `getAttr ($currentCam + ".orthographic")`;
float $orthow = `getAttr ($currentCam + ".orthographicWidth")`;
float $coi = `getAttr ($currentCam + ".centerOfInterest")`;
float $happ = `getAttr ($currentCam + ".horizontalFilmAperture")`;
float $focL = `getAttr ($currentCam + ".focalLength")`;
setAttr ($switchCam + ".orthographicWidth") $orthow;
setAttr ($switchCam + ".centerOfInterest") $coi;
setAttr ($switchCam + ".focalLength") $focL;
// setAttr ($switchCam + ".horizontalFilmAperture") $happ;
$orthow *= 25.4; // convert inches to mm
$coi *= 25.4; // convert inches to mm
$happ *= 25.4; // convert inches to mm
lookThru $switchCam;
rename $switchCam $switchCamP;
// make persp
setAttr ($switchCamP + ".orthographic") 0;
rename $switchCam $switchCamO;
float $wci[] = `camera -q -wci $switchCamO`;
vector $wcoi = <<$wci[0],$wci[1],$wci[2]>>;
float $wt[] = `xform -q -ws -t $switchCamO`;
vector $aim = <<$wt[0],$wt[1],$wt[2]>> - $wcoi;
vector $naim = unit($aim);
// calculate ortho width
setAttr ($switchCamO + ".orthographic") 1;
$orthow = (($coi*$happ)/$focL) / 25.4; // convert mm to cm
setAttr ($switchCamO + ".orthographicWidth") $orthow;
// rotate camera onto nearest axis
vector $new = <<1,0,0>>;
float $minAngle = `angle $naim <<1,0,0>>`;
float $rnx = `angle $naim <<-1,0,0>>`;
if ($rnx < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $rnx;
$new = <<-1,0,0>>;
float $ry = `angle $naim <<0,1,0>>`;
if ($ry < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $ry;
$new = <<0,1,0>>;
float $rny = `angle $naim <<0,-1,0>>`;
if ($rny < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $rny;
$new = <<0,-1,0>>;
float $rz = `angle $naim <<0,0,1>>`;
if ($rz < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $rz;
$new = <<0,0,1>>;
float $rnz = `angle $naim <<0,0,-1>>`;
if ($rnz < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $rnz;
$new = <<0,0,-1>>;
// find nearest up vector
float $wup[] = `camera -q -wup $switchCamO`;
vector $wupv = unit(<<$wup[0],$wup[1],$wup[2]>>);
vector $up = <<1,0,0>>;
float $minAngle = `angle $wupv <<1,0,0>>`;
float $upnx = `angle $wupv <<-1,0,0>>`;
if ($upnx < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $upnx;
$up = <<-1,0,0>>;
float $upy = `angle $wupv <<0,1,0>>`;
if ($upy < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $upy;
$up = <<0,1,0>>;
float $upny = `angle $wupv <<0,-1,0>>`;
if ($upny < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $upny;
$up = <<0,-1,0>>;
float $upz = `angle $wupv <<0,0,1>>`;
if ($upz < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $upz;
$up = <<0,0,1>>;
float $upnz = `angle $wupv <<0,0,-1>>`;
if ($upnz < $minAngle)
$minAngle = $upnz;
$up = <<0,0,-1>>;
// move cam and set up and aim vectors
vector $target = (dot($naim,$new)) * $new;
$target = unit($target) * mag($aim);
$target = $wcoi + $target;
float $rot[] = `xform -q -ws -ro $switchCamO`;
xform -ws -t ($target.x) ($target.y) ($target.z) $switchCamO;
camera -e -wci ($wcoi.x) ($wcoi.y) ($wcoi.z) $switchCamO;
camera -e -wup ($up.x) ($up.y) ($up.z) $switchCamO;
And you can launch it with the Mel command: switchCam 1
The error I am getting: