hello i made these dreads and more specifically the gradient on them with the gradient texture node:
they look really good! however i used an object as reference for the positioning of the gradient for some of the outlier dreads and now whenever the dreads object moves the gradient moves. i dont really want to unwrap and texture it traditionally because i unfortunately just joined like 28 million fucking objects together and that would be a huge pain. and positioning the gradient by hand was nigh impossible. please let me know if you have a solution or if i just have to bite the bullet. thanks!
heres my current node set up (split over a couple different materials)
(I hope the video positioning works.. about 14:25.. seems to be not ?)
Anyhow, carry on!
hi! thanks for the reply. i did see that video and it was helpful. however, the reason i didnt use that or particles in general is that that is used more for more realistic hair textures and i wanted a smoother more stylized look. thats why i went with curves and then turned it to mesh when i was done