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Texture for a vase

Good afternoon, I am a beginner in 3D modeling. How to make this texture? I understand that this is a UWmap render, but how to get such a map, please tell me, maybe there is some information on the Internet or on YouTube. If it is the texture of the vase. I model in 3dsmax


  • Fabi_G
    Online / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi! Looks like a regular color texture to me. The pixels at the borders repeating will prevent UV seams showing at low resolution (paddingmip mapping). A non square texture would propably help limit the unused space. My guess is the texture was created with Substance Painter, however one could create such a texture in an image editing application using an render of the UV layout for reference. Can you specify what's unclear to you? What do you want to do?

    There's plenty resources available: Written and video tutorials to get an idea of different workflows and techniques which can be found via search engines (official 3dsMax learning channel on yt), the 3dsMax documentation to read up on its functions, Polycount Wiki for general information and more. Learning 3d, I would just get my hands dirty and tackle issues as they come up.
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    they probably just copy pasted some pattern from the internet. If you googled oriental carpet patterns I'm sure you'll find thousands. Good ones will probably belong to something like an adobe library or shutterstock or whatever, but there is a lot of free stuff out there too.
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