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What's a Good tool for a student to make

Attention tech artists! What is a good tool idea for a beginner-intermediate tech artist to put on their portfolio that will also be great for learning? :3
I am a solid 3D artist who can also code, but my implementation experience is low.
Also my emphasis is environment art!


  • rexo12
    Offline / Send Message
    rexo12 interpolator
    Do some brainstorming, what problems have you run into in your projects that's made you go 'this is really tedious'?

    It's a bit trivial (and I actually have my own scripts for it), but I wish there were simple and usable command line tools for many 'trivial' image processing tasks, like cropping, scaling, channel packing, etc. alongside some generation utils like uniform fills. I often don't want to open PS or Substance just to make a test texture or tweak it a little bit. ImageMagick gets most of the way but it's a usability nightmare (maybe in part because it's trying to do too much...)

    Implementing some of this from first principles in like C/C++/Rust would be a good portfolio demo, I feel.
  • Klunk
    Offline / Send Message
    Klunk ngon master
    what platform is this for and what dev tools do you have ?
    also if this is for a portfolio have a look at what would be employers are listing in their requirements and perhaps tailor your studies toward that. 

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