I did this model months ago in about a week but then got busy with other projects and completely forgot about it.
The vehicle was modeled in Blender and textured in Substance Painter and Photoshop.
The vehicle is based on Okshosh M-ATV.
48k triangles
And you can check it in real time and download it on Sketchfab.
Any feedback and critique would be appreciated :)
Great model held back by underwhelming materials, and really unflattering lighting. Put it back in the oven, you got this.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll take this into account!
pictures talk more, but here i tried to make something from what was presented:
typed the steps i did to get this, maybe you need to figure out your monitor profile settings..maybe you see this but we see and overbirghtened img.
did the rest: (bit different but not too much) idc if you use them.
Thanks for the detailed answer. Much appreciated!