I'm trying to blend two layers together but I can't get the look that I want. I want to blend a layer of dirt with a white canvas background and this opacity gradient effect is ruining the transition. How can I fix this?
I should've specified that I am using a height map. I was originally using the height map of the dirt but instead switched to noise because I like the effect more. I'm using the 'layer blend' node to make it work.
This is the new height map I've been using to try and force the contrast / sharpness a bit more, but it hasn't worked as you can see.
This is the original height map.
I just want a sharp transition of the dirt laying on top of the canvas. It seems so simple but I can't get it to work.
Material function layers look like this. I use a packed channel map for my roughness, height, and AO maps. The MF_Layers function isolates the height channel for blending.
Modulation blending can help you add contrast, basically using a heightmap to blend textures together. http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/MultiTexture
I have some examples over here from when I was developing in Unity. https://polycount.com/discussion/160691/sketchbook-eric-chadwick/p1
You can also get really fancy with this technique and blend a whole bunch of textures together for a huge amount of detail and variety, for example https://polycount.com/discussion/174377/witcher-3-blood-and-wine-architectural-material/p1
@Eric Chadwick
I should've specified that I am using a height map. I was originally using the height map of the dirt but instead switched to noise because I like the effect more. I'm using the 'layer blend' node to make it work.
This is the new height map I've been using to try and force the contrast / sharpness a bit more, but it hasn't worked as you can see.
This is the original height map.
I just want a sharp transition of the dirt laying on top of the canvas. It seems so simple but I can't get it to work.
What does your material node setup look like?
Blend uses a Layer Blend node.
Material function layers look like this. I use a packed channel map for my roughness, height, and AO maps. The MF_Layers function isolates the height channel for blending.
This is a landscape master material made from Michael Gerard's design.