Hi, my name is Mike. I am currently working on a building for a client they want in a metaverse, called Pavia. I am close to wrapping up the exterior of the building and I am wondering how I am going to texture this building while making sure the textures are crisp. I really want to make sure the UVs and texel density is correct. Texel density is fairly new concept for myself. I have been researching and trying to learn as much as I can about it but still a little confused about it. Here are the specs Pavia has provided for built assets.
-60k tris, 40 meters in height, 90 meshes, 40 mats, 20 textures.
I would like to know what would be the best way to go about texturing this building. It fits within a 48x48 meter square, so its pretty large. I have not textured an asset this large before but love the challenge it has created!
My thought process is to combine different sections of the building and texture them but not sure if there is a better way in doing so.
Here are some screengrabs of the asset.
Any help and any critique is most appreciated! Thank you!
my approach would to create 20 different tilable texture: ie concrete, wood, metal etc - you got enough materials to create variants there. and some for atlasing textures of posters, graffiti, or decal stuff. I would then assign them to their respective meshes. this would require you to unwrap around the textures, and consistent texel density for materials/textures rather than meshes.
I'll also suggest checking out the wiki, either multi texturing and/or trim sheets:
I go for the baked masks approach nowadays.
You can see some examples here
(33 mins mark)
@hreazee awesome, definitely like that approach. Would have to dig a little on the atlasing textures but I really like that idea. Thank you for your suggestion!
Any tuts for atlasing textures you suggest to watch?
@sacboi thanks for your help on this! Never used trim sheets but it does seem like they would be a good approach for what I am trying to create. Will check out those links, much appreciated!
@teodar23 watching the YouTube video now, love it! thanks for sharing. Definitely helps to get a better idea how to approach everything.
another good article