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Why is Blender not saving out all my render layers?

polycounter lvl 3
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Method14253 polycounter lvl 3

Blender is only saving out one render layer at a time and I have to do it all manually, ex. My Mist Pass, or my Combined layer. Anyone have any ideas how to get them to all save out at the same time, so I don't have to go save them indivivually eacvh time I render something? I'm in Blender 3.1, thanks!


  • Tiles
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    Tiles greentooth
  • Method14253
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    Method14253 polycounter lvl 3

    No but my old versions of blender used to save out all the passes together, just trying to get the original format for Blender no add ons if not needed, which they shouldn't be since I used to do it just fine in 2.9

  • Tiles
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    Tiles greentooth

    Hm, curious. I cannot remember that Blender ever did this. Usually you need to save the layers one by one. But i have to admit that i haven't done this for a long time. So i can be completely wrong here.

    Maybe you found a bug? You could try the older versions up to the version where it has quit working, starting with 2.9. Then you could make a bug report. The old versions are located here: https://download.blender.org/release/

  • okidoki
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    okidoki polycounter lvl 2

    Without using the compositor and no output node.. blender is only saving on Render Animation and only what can be seen in the actual slot and view layer.. since.. .. i don't remember if blender saved on Render Image.. (using 2.49 up to 3.4 on debian linux.. 🤷)

    Except if you did choose use OpenEXR (Multilayer).. (but you properly meant this..)

    🤨 Hhmmm just testing this... blender 3.1 seems to have problems to read the multi layer exr.. but it generates them and reading them with another blender (2.9 and 3.3).. there are the layers... ?!?

  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool

    You just need to use file output node in compositor pane. And what they called render layers is now View layers I believe. Mist etc, they call it "passes" or "AOV"s, You don;t have to save then manually either . Use file output too.

    Pay attention to color managment. What you see with viewer node is linear usually and png saves with display transform . So if you need normal pass or proper depth it's better to use exr anyway.

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