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Evaluate any game dev job. Should you stay...should you leave? Do you have the 5 P's?

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pixelpatron polycounter

Are you in a good game dev job? How do you know? It’s easy. Do you have Pixelpatron’s five “P’s”?

People - Do you like the people you work with? Is your work environment collaborative or competitive? Do you feel like your opinion matters? Do you get recognized for your contributions, does management know what you do? Do you respect the leaders of your studio/company? Do you see advancement based on work or is it some other metric?

Project - Do you even like your product/work/project? Is it something your passionate about? Is it something that excites you, and drives you to success and towards a common goal with your team? Is it something you could look back on your life; and find inspiration and something you could be truly proud of?

Place - You enjoy your work place? Your commute a death sentence on your soul? How’s that gas tank? You work from home? Does that fit your needs/desires? Do You find comfort at your office; when you reach for that door handle in the mornings to start your day….is it elation or dread? Do you have the tools/equipment/software/training/perks you need to have a comfortable work environment? You have food options close by that you enjoy? The coffee good? How’s your chair? Open office or cubicle? What do you like?

Pay - Are you satisfied with your salary? Are you being compensated for the effort you put in? Do you get overtime or any downtime if your salaried? How’s your benefits? Do you get PTO and vacation? Can you actually take a vacation? Do you get regular performance reviews with compensation that exceeds inflation and cost of living increases?

Profits - Do you own what you create? Do you get profit sharing? Stock options Bonuses? Other company perks? Are there rewards for everyone who goes above and beyond that contributes or are you just generating wealth for someone else?

I’ve worked at eight different studios in my career and I can honestly say only a handful ticked all five of these. If you feel like you have that, or mostly that…you’ve landed your dream job and I must say, congratulations! If you have 3 of the five your doing okay but you probably should keep looking out at the horizon. Only two of the five? Run. Life is too short to hate your job, or stay with a company that doesn't truly value you. One of the five?! You’ve been had, don’t become numb and complacent, know your worth and find a company or team that gives you the respect/worth/fulfillment you seek. You are you, and no one else. Don’t let someone else define your worth; passion isn’t just a buzzword goals poster, it’s something you can ignite in yourself, and once lit…you’ll find others to join the flame.



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