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Zbrush DynaMesh inconsistent polygon count.

polycounter lvl 7
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Kligan polycounter lvl 7

Can someone explain to me please the logic behind dynamesh polygon count?

It's always inconsistent. Sometimes I import a model, set dynamesh resolution to 1024 and get 4 mil points. And other times it will be 300k points.

Just now I was working on a piece of a model where I needed to make holes via dynamesh sub. I'm importing my model, and have to crank dynamesh resolution all the way to 4096 to get barely 3 mil points. Ok, whatever, I make the holes, and due some mistake one of them was in a wrong position. So I start over. New document, import the model, dynamesh resolution 4096... and now I get 7 mil points. ON THE SAME MODEL AS BEFORE!


Is there a way to better control the polycount for dynameshing? I just don't understand, it's always a gamble!


  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master

    Scale/size of the object is the largest factor here. Use Dynamesh master plugin, as you can dictate a rough amount of points, rather than a mildly arbitrary amount like "resolution" slider.

  • Kligan
    Offline / Send Message
    Kligan polycounter lvl 7

    The problem is I import the same model and it gives different results. Scale didn't change. So it's just weird.

    Thanks for the plugin suggestion. According to google it's not included in zbrush 2022, so I'll have to install it manually.

  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator

    Importing the same model could still affect the scale of the model inside zbrush depending on how you import it, as it can be resized based on what existing tool you're importing it onto. Subtool Master's Insert or Append options are always consistent as they stick with the Polymesh3d rather than the active tool.

    The gizmo's Remesh by Dynamesh operator will let you also specify a resolution, without having to download anything extra.

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