Hey guys, I used to post here long time ago, and the idea of having a sketchbook where I can post my works (even if 1 person sees it) is very intriguing in terms of tracking my progress.
I decided to focus more on becoming a good character artist, so this is where I'm coming from with my posts. Hopefully in the future I can post in video/commentary form on Youtube, at least that is the plan.
Have limited amount of time daily, as I have full-time work, but nonetheless should be fun.
The first character, is quite a simple idea I had of a simple still-life shot of a robot/mecha girl chilling with her cat, and just simply observing it. Nothing huge, but I'm mostly working here with the juxtaposition of a cute small animal, and her powerful/badass owner having down-time, between travels or something along those lines.
This is my initial block for the girl character.
The final look I think I might go for a somewhat stylized but with realistic materials type of render. :)
Update on the face, still WIP heavy of course
Good to see old folks showing up once again, people come and go, can be the times also, i think they come back in some way or another, others probably moved on in more ways than one. Hope to see an update when you got it all sorted out.
Small WIP, couple days progress from upcoming tutorial for beginners
Had this idea to make this armor into a more dynamic sculpture look, as I'm only sculpting the bust. Not sure if this is a beneficial thing for a tutorial though, I'm still playing around with this. Altho I have not seen this done that much before with mechanicalarmors, can be interesting
For the concept thinking that this armor can be used in some sort of entertainment show, where the contestants need to cut off the other robots "hair" as the winning requirement (Cutting off hair in ancient Asia (Japan, china, Korea & possibly some other Asian cultures) symbolizes being banished or rejected from their home.) So this relation to the history actually adds some purpose for that design element.
So I can base this style on a bit more sporty looks, like from motorcycles
I am just playing around with silhouette and the pose, I might have to tone it down and make it less crazy.
The spikiness is probably a little bit crazy at the moment, but I want to push the silhouette to read very sharp and sword-like. It's easier to tone it down later, than try to amplify it
Before and after a quick photoshop overpaint. Made him resemble more of a king type character, with a crown motifs also family crest on the robe and the chest. The silhouette is for size reference with regular human
Will figure out how the details, latches, muscles look all within this chest unit, then I have a good idea what I'm working with for the rest of the machine.
My sketchbook is all over the place, but I suppose that's the whole point of it. Either way I'm trying out Plasticity3D and as my first CAD program in ages, I really like this thing. I tried making artificial muscle for my character and these are the results
Another creature in armor concept, looking for the right one for my tutorial, but I think I will try to stick with this one and flesh it out
Some alien general guy who watched LOTR once
Also creating a few alpha maps to make my life easier
Playing around with some stronger symbolism in character design. Trying to find more purpose and clarity .
Very obvious upside down cross and "exploded" or messed up head area to visualize these traits.
This would be some alien android baron type of character who completely lost the plot. Sounds basic for now, but I'm having fun with it. I got inspired by the baron design from Dune franchise.
Very loose arm concept which I'm working on for my tutorial. Would love to hear any feedback, if you find this composition/distribution pleasing or not. If not would like to hear any thoughts on changes
initial blockout of the model
Still very early but started to build frame for this mecha
I want to get the sculpt to very close to final level in zbrush and then do full retopo for clean surfaces, gonna see how it goes
Old vs New versions
Still not there yet, but taking my time to have something that I want to work out further
Making design more military, less gundam and armored core
More organic concept
Advice regarding Dynamesh
Lunch break design
As always practicing something, some anatomy studies for current project, I hope I can see this one through.
Something from another project, been playing around with my own motorcycle design. Started in zbrush and now finding forms in SubD in Maya
Continuation of SubD learning
Learning Blender, first time trying to sculpt something, so far enjoying it! Gonna be an armored creature and its master design
Gonna go for a bit darker/biomechanical/horror feeling I think
Concept blockout
An idea for character that I had, still blockout
Face sculpt progress
Slightly improved proportions
Starting off with some mechanical design for the head. It's a bit messy, but the idea is that she is being overtaken by this stuff, so kinda going for that feeling
More corrupted version
Still messing around with possible face/mechanical compositions
Just wanted to see what happens with couple more extreme versions of the same character
Bit more fun color distribution
Thinking about proportion change
Just messing around in photoshop, playing with the mood
For fun overpaint on top of the sculpture for the atmosphere
For fun concept