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SLIGHTLY Autistic ARTIST, worried about work place politics!?

polycounter lvl 4
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ScopeDragon polycounter lvl 4

Hi guys

I'm a 3d artist been working outside the industry. I have recently been diagnosed with Asperger's (high functioning autism). I don't have any disruptive quirks I'm just kind of introspective and focused when I am being working creatively.

I am worried about the game and vfx industry. I'm an introverted but Im a easy going person, I don't really have an huge ego and I can be very fluid. However after my diagnosis I completely realized I was unaware of office politics.... And soon after I realized that I got burned like a lamb at my broadcasting news director job.

So I want to ask...How bad are the office politics in the industry, and is the industry a bad place for introverted/neurodivergent artist? Are there any positions or studio environments that would be better to work in than others?

I don't mind harsh honesty..

Thank you,



  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    my wife is same boat and she's a lawyer.

    i never took any test but i am just like my wife, and i've worked a couple jobs that were heavy on politics. I don't think you can escape it. I also think that any company/team that is unwelcoming place for quiet, honest, focused types must be not a nice place to work for anybody.

  • ScopeDragon
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    ScopeDragon polycounter lvl 4

    @Alex_J Were those jobs in the games industry? And was it a high level of politics or just average level day to day issues?

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    No, I was in the military and later worked in a variety of odd jobs.

    People generally suck anywhere you go. Just my opinion of course. By suck I mean, lie, cheat, steal, do poor work and get ahead by anti-social means. I was just told about some study that compared high-functioning Asperger's (or at least people on that end of spectrum) to "regular" people in an interesting way.

    I'll probably get the details a little wrong but point remains anyway: So in this study, when each person was asked if they'd take a donation from a company that is going to harm animals for whatever reason, everybody says, "no i wont do that."

    But nearly all of the "normal" people, when they are alone, apply for the payment. Almost all the Aspergers people actually stood by their word.

    My whole life it is driving me crazy because virtually everybody is always lying. About anything and everything, constantly. People think trump is bad but honestly, he seems like any regular person to me.

    Anyways, I definitely couldn't see myself gelling in a frat bro animal house like blizzard or w/e these places like that are reported to be. But it's not hard to get along with people on a smaller scale, where everybody has to be more dependable and accountable. Once a team is big enough that each member doesn't feel personally responsible for others, to me that is where the fuckery begins.

    If somebody is going to do me dirty, I want to have the power to shame them and maybe intimidate them if its really that bad.

    So, in general, I think smaller teams are better for people like me (maybe us).

  • ScopeDragon
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    ScopeDragon polycounter lvl 4

    Wow, that's what I thought. Kinda jarring to read it, but yeah I believe it. When I was younger I thought I wanted the big studio environment. 🤣 Not so much now.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Game development work attracts a certain kind of person - if you are attracted to it, does it not make sense that the other people who are attracted to it share a similar mindset?

    My experience has been that most people are there cos they enjoy their work - that's enough to keep a lid on most petty rivalries.

    I sort of agree with Alex. a smaller studio can be a place where people are more accountable and dependable but its far from a guarantee. The less people there are, the more influence and control an individual can exert - when you have an arsehole with influence, everyone suffers.

    Everywhere is different, nowhere is perfect, very few places are actually horrible.

    One thing to bear in mind is that you can always vote with your feet. You got one job - that means you can get another one if you don't like the one you have.

  • ScopeDragon
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    ScopeDragon polycounter lvl 4

    @poopipe This is all really good feedback. So the industry can be a dog eat dog, kick everyone while they are down, just to keep your job type of culture like any other corporate job?

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    No because life isn't a movie about the evils of unregulated capitalism and nothing is that dramatic.

    What I did try to say is..

    Introversion and hyperfocus are not uncommon traits in people who make video games and you get less petty bullshit with people like that.

    There is no guarantee a small studio will be a wonderland and there is no guarantee a large one will be an evil hellworld. The vast majority of studios are fine

    If you don't like one studio it doesn't mean you won't like another.

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