I have very old card (radeon hd 6700), and always have visible seams on my normals(baking in Marmoset). Can i get rid of this problem if i use newer card?
Can mesh format affect seams too? Is it preferabale to use OBJ's or FBX?
Consider attaching images showing described seams, lowpoly shading, UVs. Even better, upload a small test set that fails for you, so someone else can take a look or bake and upload for comparison. Btw, this sounds pretty much like the same issue you describe in this thread, so maybe continue that one?
it's possible but unlikely. Have you tried baking in any other software? Mesh format should not impact bakes unless your normals are being adjusted on export/import (which is not unusual). More likely to be disjoint UV shells causing gradient issues - https://polycount.com/discussion/107196/making-sense-of-hard-edges-uvs-normal-maps-and-vertex-counts/p1.
Consider attaching images showing described seams, lowpoly shading, UVs. Even better, upload a small test set that fails for you, so someone else can take a look or bake and upload for comparison. Btw, this sounds pretty much like the same issue you describe in this thread, so maybe continue that one?