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How much to charge for NFT

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YashP node

I recently Received a offer to work on NFT Project in which they have made/generated 2D cartoon dog with multiple Layers of things like clothing, background, Accessories etc, it totals to 444 items, They want me to model them In 3d

They are giving me a fixed price which is I feel like low but at the same Time I saw someone making 10K nft on fiverr for really cheap price

and one of my friend told me in the past that If i gave him any art to sell then he would give me a share on profit, I feel like I should Ask this dude for a share in Profit as well but at the same time I feel like maybe that would be rude of me

What should I do ? does anyone have any experience ?


  • Phi25

    You haven't said how much they're paying you.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    So you are making 444 items. What are the other people doing?

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    absolutely ask for a share in the profit. if you do all the work, and they only sell it, ask for quite a chunk.

    this would fall under the work of an agent/agency, check what usual comission rates for agents are. you'll see that he vast majority of the money would come towards you, not them.

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    Having ideas and giving valuable input?

    These NFT project proposals we are receiving these days remind me of the modding days of old where some kid was trying to assemble a full development team to pull off a carbon copy of the popular game of the day. Their job was usually something along the lines of: idea person, web designer.

    Now go go go: this Counterstrike/World-of-Warcraft crossover isn't going to develop itself! 😌

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    Since I'm not from a developed country It'd be hard to accurately convert it, they're paying 40USD and Avg income for my age group would be 350$ monthly

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    They are a group Idk how many people but they made different layers like in character customization, there are eyes hats skins etc in 2d layers so they'd combine them and make variations

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    I had that feeling but Looking at people on Fiverr doing it for Cheapest price I believed I was going to ask for a lot more than what It costs

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    NGL I get the same feeling, specially I had my first client on fiverr few days ago and he wanted me to make a photorealistic ad 37 seconds which we see on TV and youtube, I was even fine with low price but then He became toxic and said He will only give me feedback when I will send final video, Like I wish they had atleast basic Understanding of How it works

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    Dude don't work with fiverr. Like ever, the idea of the platform us that you sell stuff for scraps. Thats a race to the bottom, that can only be lost

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    yeah man I'm thinking of starting my own small website, Instagram and make portfolios on different platforms to enter 3d Industry. Upwork seems better option than Fiverr But I'm not sure about that either

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Artstation is the go-to portfolio website for digital artist.

    If you need 10 dollars to eat dinner tonight, you do what you got to do. But if you are trying to make a real career in 3d, look for established, reputable companies, find out what they seek in an employee, and go straight for that.

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    Thanks man, will start a handle on Artstation too Almost forgot that gem, I wanna aim for a big studio too but the way my condition is I can only do WFH right now which I don't think many studios would prefer so I will make a name for myself and then when I will get a offer I'll grab it

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    dependent on where you are and what you can do. there is certainly outsourcing companies who work with remote people. you'd not make the california type of big bucks, but it should guarantee you a decent level of income. certainly better than running for the bottom on fiverr

  • YashP
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    YashP node

    I guess I'd need to search and find them from their websites that's still doable and as you said I'm sure would be a lot better than fiverr, Never thought Fiverr was a platform like this

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