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UE5 Preview: Emissive texture at shallow angle issue

polycounter lvl 5
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atunnard polycounter lvl 5

I'm having a problem in unreal with my emissive texture. I want to place it in the gaps between blocks so it lights up the space in-between. The glow only shows when looking into the gap from steeper angles. At shallower angles and as the distance from the light increases the glow rapidly disappears. Widening the gap starts to fix this issue however that isn't an option for my scene. Im a UE novice and exhausted all I can think of, does anyone have an idea of how I can fix/workaround this?


Glow disappears:



  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master

    output your mask texture to the diffuse and see if the mask disappears at glancing angles as well

  • atunnard
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    atunnard polycounter lvl 5

    I might be misunderstanding but the emissive is on a separate object and has its own texture with just the emissive values. So I don't know if changing the mask is possible?

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    plug the emissive texture into the basecolor and look at it.

    the glowy part is possibly being hidden by texture filtering/mipping - if so, make the glowy line a bit wider

  • atunnard
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    atunnard polycounter lvl 5

    I feel like I explained the situation poorly because the light source isn't in any of the images I posted. The image below hopefully explains the situation better.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    oh - i didnt read your reply properly

    assuming you're using lumen and thus need physically accurate lighting values that multiplier wants to be lot bigger than 3 - right now the surface is emitting very little light

    I cant remember what ue5 does but on ue4 i think we found that white emissive with a multipier of 1 gave us 1 nit - if that's still the case in ue5 try a value of 1000 and work from there.

    you can measure the lighting output of a surface using the light meter in the hdr view (forget the proper name) - google will be able to give you some example numbers from real world light sources to work to

  • atunnard
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    atunnard polycounter lvl 5

    Tried putting the multiplier at 9999 and the emissive surface has a nit value of over 550 but the surfaces adjacent don't seem to be inheriting much light reading around 1 nit right against the light source. I've been switching between the mobility types and baking lighting but it looks as if the emissive surface is just culled when off-screen so I have tried to turn off any culling options I could find but no change. I've tested with "Emissive Light Source" on and off as well but can't see any difference with either option. Feel like I might just have to go with the rectangle light below and work around that.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Lumen handled off screen emissive meshes well in the first preview so that's a bit weird.

    Unless the floor is metallic and the emmisive light isn't contributing much/anything to specular.

  • atunnard
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    atunnard polycounter lvl 5

    Tried testing the channels full 1 and 0 but no change, I've probably done something stupid or turned something on but just cant figure out what.

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