Hello Experts, I need a realistic graphics but can't use PBR maps in my game due to optimization, I saw a Combine map bake feature in Blender which allow us to bake all PBR maps to 1 image(combines metallic, specular, normal, albedo, lighting to 1 single map), but due to some quality issue I am searching for some other software which has this type of feature Please let me know if any software has this type of features. Or if anyone knows any other similar method to this then please share. Thanks
Maybe you could just adjust your quality to see if it resolves the issues though
Please Help
Substance Painter:
The official tutorial has been removed so it might be changing in the latest version, however here's Michael Pavlovich talking about it: 018 Baked Lighting Filter - YouTube
3D Coat:
Baking Lighting & Reflections in Unlit Shader - YouTube
In Marmoset you should be able to render all to texture
Max/Maya/Blender as well.
Reconstruction through RealityCapture or Meshroom is also possible for this kind of stuff.
The Unreal proxy generation tool also does that but at low quality for distant stuff. (google map like)
Hii, Please can you tell me in detail like if I made a model which contains all PBR maps then what will be procedure to get a combined rendered map so I can use it in my game, Please.
In Blender you can give a go at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0M363A8um4
This is like Render To Texture in Max and you should be able to choose what pass to render etc.
I havent done in any recently you ll have to explore
It seems one of the most straight forward is rendering/snapshot your viewport in Painter as it was mentionned before you should follow that Painter filter video first maybe.
You'll just want to add some padding maybe.