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Help in my CV

polycounter lvl 2
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MRALO polycounter lvl 2
I'm going to write my CV, and this is the form came up with. I feel it not good, Does anyone have any suggestions for how to enhance it? 


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    You don't need pictures, design work or any of that crap. I want to know where you studied, where you worked, what you did and when you did it. It is difficult to fill a page when you've only had one job but try to fill it with useful information, not design fluff

    Contact information should be in text form - it is very unlikely I'll be visiting your website to see the CV, it'll come to me through the recruitment system as an autoconverted pdf and links won't work.
    Where is your artstation link?
    Add a short description of career relevant stuff you did in the job/education bits - what were your duties/responsibilities?, what projects did you work on? etc
    Include the start and finish month for the work experience

    I know these are common european things but.. 
    Photos are unnecessary and actually make things awkward for the hiring manager in some ways. 
    Skill bars are complete bollocks - best case they are meaningless, worst case they make you look arrogant

    i spent a lot longer writing this than i usually spend reading a CV 
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    MRALO polycounter lvl 2
     Okay, i'll put my studied location, and artstaion and contact details in text. 
    However, I did not work at the time, and this will be my first employment.
    Is military service necessary because it is obligatory in my country for at least a year?
  • JackofSpades261
    I don't live in a country where military service is mandatory so I could be wrong, but I can't imagine any recruiters for a 3D environmental artist job would care if you've done your mandatory military service or not. If they suspect it'll be a problem, I'm sure they would inquire about it during the interview stage.
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    MRALO polycounter lvl 2
    Ok I will delete it but i feel the CV is Very empty and will not attract anyone what do you think i should add
  • JackofSpades261
    Poopipe's post above me covers everything I would have suggested. Only thing I can add is if you know more than one language, you can list those as well. It's not as important as your portfolio, but it's always nice to see.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    Here's my resume for example. A little bit of fluff in the summary but other than that, clear and concise information about what I have done and what I can do. Check out canva.com for some very nice templates you can work from too. At the end of the day though, your resume isn't going to get you a job.. your portfolio is. 
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Taylor Brown's is a perfectly sensible CV

    Military service might as well be on there.  It explains what you were doing during that time.
    A time gap on a CV is often seen as a worry - maybe you were fired or something.. 

    If you have no previous employment then you have never been a 3d environment artist so you should remove that part - unless you have done freelance work or something.

    When you have no employment history you have to show that you have been busy so we don't think you're lazy
    Fill the space with notes about projects you did on your degree or even what you did during military service (maybe just where you were stationed or something) - it doesn't have to be much.
  • adriancgmask
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    adriancgmask polycounter lvl 4
    poopipe said:
    You don't need pictures, design work or any of that crap. I want to know where you studied, where you worked, what you did and when you did it. It is difficult to fill a page when you've only had one job but try to fill it with useful information, not design fluff

    Contact information should be in text form - it is very unlikely I'll be visiting your website to see the CV, it'll come to me through the recruitment system as an autoconverted pdf and links won't work.
    Where is your artstation link?
    Add a short description of career relevant stuff you did in the job/education bits - what were your duties/responsibilities?, what projects did you work on? etc
    Include the start and finish month for the work experience

    I know these are common european things but.. 
    Photos are unnecessary and actually make things awkward for the hiring manager in some ways. 
    Skill bars are complete bollocks - best case they are meaningless, worst case they make you look arrogant

    i spent a lot longer writing this than i usually spend reading a CV 
    omg that's so brutal and correct lol skill bars is very funny lol I totally do what he said if I were you

  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    What is it with new people that add skill bars? When did you become an expert to be able to tell how good you can use this software?
    Taylor brown's CV is fine, but i don't think the OP can relate, since he has no experience to add.
    Don't add military service. It goes without saying you are done of any exterior responsibilities.
    Complete sentences show lack of experience. Keep the essence, leave out the fluff. A recruiter sees 100 cv's per minute (lol joking, but way too many) and anything that hurts their eyes, will just skip without reading. They basically skim through them. 
    You need a working clickable link with a portfolio. 
    If you have no work experience add your projects. I have a blog post for creating your linkedin profile but your CV might also benefit from this info.

    Overall try to fill 1 full page of your CV
    This is what I send them.

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