Hiya! I'm gonna keep this short just for time's sake. I've been practicing prop, weapon and character asset design for games about a year using Blender, and I believe I'm at a roughly intermediate level. However, I don't think I'm one to judge, and once I have a large enough portfolio, I'd like to see what a professional has to say about the standard of my work and my potential in the industry. Is there some kind of website I can visit or party I can contact?
If you're dead-set on doing private, you're probably better off manually finding an artist you trust who reviews portfolios or does mentorships. Not all professionals are alike in skill, review, nor teaching level. Might be more pricey that way, but that's paying for said professionals' time
That may help you narrow things down a bit, then if you still feel a need for 1 on 1 advice, you'll be better able to make use of the time.