Looking for two people to assist with working on a new train simulator for UE4. I will teach you how the game is suppose to run, as well as give you the basics on how the train should move, signal system, etc etc.
IMPORTANT: You must be professional and willing to resolve issues when problems arise.
-Must be professional
-Must know how to 3D Model complex vehicles and tracks.
-Must know how to blueprint and code the train, switches, and signaling system, as well as additional components
-All 2 roles will communicate with each other.
-1 person who is sufficient in all 2 fields preferred.
-Must know how to code game menu and game startup as well.
-Must know how to make basic design environment.
-Must have past experience with splines, coding, etc.
-I will teach you how the train simulator is suppose to work.
-Must be willing to listen and work together in a team.
Email resumes and past experience to: brooklynboundtrain@gmail.com