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Need help using the Simple_Hair_UV script for creating hair uvs

polycounter lvl 9
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mickeal_alex polycounter lvl 9

Im using the Simple_Hair_UV script found in the Xgen UE documentation however when i imported my IGS alembic file that i exported, it has 3 different description and multiple splinegrp .
How do i add multiple groups and curves in the script?
Tried using " ; " and " , " in between each group and it doesn’t work.


Here is the part i am having trouble with, it's using Python.

curve_top_group= 'Herc_Flyaways|Herc_Hair_SplineGrp0 , Herc_HairBlend|Herc_Hair_SplineGrp0 , Herc_Hair|Herc_Hair_SplineGrp0'

It keeps giving me error, here is how the outliner looks like


Herer is the default script:

from maya import OpenMaya
import os

def create_root_uv_attribute(curves_group, mesh_node, uv_set='map1'):
    Create "groom_root_uv" attribute on group of curves.

    # check curves group
    if not cmds.objExists(curves_group):
        raise RuntimeError('Group not found: "{}"'.format(curves_group))

    # get curves in group
    curve_shapes = cmds.listRelatives(curves_group, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True)
    curve_shapes = cmds.ls(curve_shapes, type='nurbsCurve')
    if not curve_shapes:
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid curves group. No nurbs-curves found in group.')
        print "found curves"
        print curve_shapes

    # get curve roots
    points = list()
    for curve_shape in curve_shapes:
        point = cmds.pointPosition('{}.cv[0]'.format(curve_shape), world=True)

    # get uvs
    values = list()
    uvs = find_closest_uv_point(points, mesh_node, uv_set=uv_set)
    for u, v in uvs:
        values.append([u, v, 0])
        #print (str(u) + " , " + str(v)  )

    # create attribute
    name = 'groom_root_uv'
    cmds.addAttr(curves_group, ln=name, dt='vectorArray')
    cmds.addAttr(curves_group, ln='{}_AbcGeomScope'.format(name), dt='string')
    cmds.addAttr(curves_group, ln='{}_AbcType'.format(name), dt='string')

    cmds.setAttr('{}.{}'.format(curves_group, name), len(values), *values, type='vectorArray')
    cmds.setAttr('{}.{}_AbcGeomScope'.format(curves_group, name), 'uni', type='string')
    cmds.setAttr('{}.{}_AbcType'.format(curves_group, name), 'vector2', type='string')

    return uvs

def find_closest_uv_point(points, mesh_node, uv_set='map1'):
    Find mesh UV-coordinates at given points.

    # check mesh
    if not cmds.objExists(mesh_node):
        raise RuntimeError('Node not found: "{}"'.format(mesh_node))

    # check uv_set
    uv_sets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh_node, q=True, allUVSets=True)
    if uv_set not in uv_sets:
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid uv_set provided: "{}"'.format(uv_set))

    # get mesh as dag-path
    selection_list = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()

    mesh_dagpath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
    selection_list.getDagPath(0, mesh_dagpath)

    # get mesh function set
    fn_mesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(mesh_dagpath)

    uvs = list()
    for i in range(len(points)):

        script_util = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
        script_util.createFromDouble(0.0, 0.0)
        uv_point = script_util.asFloat2Ptr()

        point = OpenMaya.MPoint(*points[i])
        fn_mesh.getUVAtPoint(point, uv_point, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld, uv_set)

        u = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uv_point, 0, 0)
        v = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uv_point, 0, 1)

        uvs.append((u, v))

    return uvs

def abc_export(filepath, node=None, start_frame=1, end_frame=1, data_format='otawa', uv_write=True):

    job_command = '-frameRange {} {} '.format(start_frame, end_frame)
    job_command += '-dataFormat {} '.format(data_format)

    job_command += '-attr groom_root_uv '

    if uv_write:
        job_command += '-uvWrite '

    job_command += '-root {} '.format(node)   

    job_command += '-file {} '.format(filepath) 

    cmds.AbcExport(verbose=True, j=job_command)

def main():

    export_directory = 'D:/Dev/Ref'
    hair_file = os.path.join(export_directory, 'hair_export.abc')
    curve_top_group= 'description1|SplineGrp0'

    create_root_uv_attribute( curve_top_group , uv_mesh)
    abc_export(hair_file, curve_top_group)



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