I am new to the forum, just recently
joined. I am not exactly sure if this is the right place for this post. I
am currently working on a pirate ship model in Blender and I wanted to
make sort of a progress or build log for that. If the topic needs to be
moved to another category let me know

As for this project I wanted to make a Pirate ship model and am still
working on modeling part of the deck fittings. If anyone has any
feedback or thoughts, I greatly welcome and appreciate it. I will be
posting more updates as i finish more of the build soon. Below These images I will also post a mood board with reference images and more information.
This build is going to be a fantasy inspired pirate ship set in the golden age of piracy around the early 18th century. I am going for something is not 100% accurate to a single reference image, but I wanted something that still had all of the working elements of a real ship. For this build I think I am just going to stick to the exterior for now. This also is an exercise for me in expanding my own knowledge in how these ships were built and constructed. The image below was the main image i used for the initial hull of the ship and to assist me in figuring out the proportions of some of the higher decks in my 3d model compared to the image.

Is this going to go in a game engine? Or rendered wholly in Cycles?