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Can't create Combination targets in the Shape Editor in Maya

polycounter lvl 2
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LAMAJ polycounter lvl 2
Can't create Combination targets in the Shape Editor in Maya.

This is what was in the console.

doCombinationShapeCreate 1 0 4 R_LidLower_CTR; //
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2019/scripts/others/doBlendShapeAddTarget.mel line 66: Error: Invalid transform name for transform space target. //

There is no "R_LidLower_CTR" in the scene. The same error appears with complete new file where in the scene is just a sphere.

The "R_LidLower_CTR" is name of control curve in the "fleshyeyestest" project (tested eye rig) that I finished one week ago. In the .ma file in fleshyeyestest project folder I can create combination targets without problems. If I delete R_LidLower_CTR control curve in that scene, then same problem appears in the fleshyeyestest .ma file with same error.

It seems like if i name anything in the scene R_LidLower_CTR , Combination target is working again.

This is what console prints when i create Combination target if i have cube in the scene named R_LidLower_CTR (I'm not doing
combination on that cube, but on separate sphere)

doCombinationShapeCreate 1 0 4 R_LidLower_CTR;
sculptTarget -e -target -1 blendShape1;
blendShape -e -tc on -t |pSphere1|pSphereShape1 2 pSphere2 1 -w 2 1  -transform R_LidLower_CTR blendShape1;
blendShape -e -rtd 0 2 blendShape1;
sculptTarget -e -target 2 blendShape1;
combinationShape -bs blendShape1 -cti 2 -cm 0 -dti 1 -dti 0;

This is what console prints when i create Combination target if i have material named R_LidLower_CTR in the scene.

doCombinationShapeCreate 1 0 4 R_LidLower_CTR;
sculptTarget -e -target -1 blendShape1;
blendShape -e -tc on -t |pSphere1|pSphereShape1 2 pSphere2 1 -w 2 1  -transform R_LidLower_CTR blendShape1;
// Error: line 0: 'R_LidLower_CTR' not a DAG item. //
blendShape -e -rtd 0 2 blendShape1;
sculptTarget -e -target 2 blendShape1;
combinationShape -bs blendShape1 -cti 2 -cm 0 -dti 1 -dti 0;

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