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[WIP] How Can I Improve My WIP Renders?

polycounter lvl 8
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jddg5wa polycounter lvl 8
So this is kind a general question but also specific to this project. I want to take WIP renders of my models but usually I find they turn out boring without materials or texture. A lot of advice on the topic I've found, of improving renders, is for finished renders. I've tried to adapt the advice but not having much luck.

So, for example, this is a model I am working on atm. Is there anyway I could improve this WIP render? It's a bit plain and doesn't really show off the model that well. I did already realize I should take some close up shots of the detailed parts, like the claw and the control panel. Anything else I could do to improve it?



  • Bazarov
    I think if the object stood on some lighter surface, for example on the floor, and a shadow would fall from it, it would look better. You can also darken the color of some elements. For example like here:
  • jddg5wa
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    jddg5wa polycounter lvl 8
    Bazarov said:
    I think if the object stood on some lighter surface, for example on the floor, and a shadow would fall from it, it would look better. You can also darken the color of some elements. For example like here:
    Thanks for the suggestions. I really like the thought of darkening some elements. I don't know why I didn't think of that. For some reason I had it in my mind a WIP render is no material at all but it's not like there are rules saying that...
  • Crazy_pixel
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    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    As Bazarov mentioned, a lookdev whiteish or greyish background could help grounding the asset. A WIP render can be anything, its just the current state of your work. 
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