I've been working on this rock scene for about 5 weeks and finished it over the weekend.
I took part in @TheClubsDiscord sculpt-a-rock-a-day-challenge in January. And after starting but not finishing most of my projects last year I wanted to keep the ball rolling and put some of the rocky goodness to use. I purposefully kept the scene small so I could finish it within my 5 weeks.
I'd originally intended on presenting the rocks just by themselves. But then felt it needed a little life so added some simple grass, in the end I had a small hilltop.
I'd love any c&c, both from these images and those on my Artstation project (I didn't want to overload this post), and anything I could do better or fix!
Thanks for looking and there's more on my Artstation project page: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rAyKvO
Maybe add more dirt in the crevices... doesnt feel like they belong in that env. Maybe some spots of lichen here and there.