Working on a new environment based on the awesome concept by Victorin Ripert ( jetée

Going to be taking a stylized approach to the environment, will be updating slowly over the weeks as this will be a part time personal project.
I've started the blockout which I will share when it's more refined, and have begun on a free stylized materials.
The roof tiles still need a bit of changes made, will be making them drier and more terracotta style.

Can't wait to share more!
Finally got some time to block out the scene more, pretty early on into creating most of the forms and shapes!
Decided to make a conscious decision to stylize some of the shapes a bit more from the concept,so not aiming to stick 100% to the proportions of the original
UE5 Lumen is awesome, so goingto transition this project to it!
Making a bit of progress on this recently, still going to have to do a second pass on a lot of the assets, and a few more tileables and trim sheets to make.
Hoping to complete most of t he hero assets soon then get onto the foliage after that!
Another little update, the walls are done with tileables using vertex blending to get variation, same with the ground and some of the bricks.
Planning to make some tweaks to some of the materials to get them closer to the ref, especially the back walls.
Will have to make some more tweaks and then get onto some clouds and other effects!
Fair bit of an update, worked on a few of the textures and assets, made a first pass on the smoke vfx, first time using Niagara so it's a relatively simple setup for now!
Special thanks again to Victorin Ripert for letting me recreate his concept into 3D.
I've got a full breakdown with more shots on my Artstation
Easily one of my favourite GIFs to make after finishing a project as a reminder for future ones to tough it out through the ugly phase!