Hello , in another thread I worked on making a mesh model of a straw hat , now I did this because I wanted a detailed bake of normal maps , but I have no idea how I could texture this to allow that alternate straw colors of different straws etc ...
Is there any approach you could sugest me ? apart PS I have Substance painter and designer but I am very new tothose softwares.
What approach you do sugest ? OR did I approach the problem the wrong way and I wasted time?
Here is the model I did ...
The pattern I followed
This is the kind of hat I am interested in making ...
The idea was to make it detailed in max to create
the pattern , bake , texture etc and only at the end bend it , or
instead bring to Zbrush bend it and then bake it , whatever it is my
problem now is how to make the color map so to have that alternate nice
straw color ?
oh , don't know any of those, can you sugest me one? Also the mesh item that I clone around are merged together , I shoudl detach all stripes?