Well. . . it's kind or rough, and seems like you are pretty new to 3D animation. . . But everyone starts somewhere. With enough study and practice, you could make something great though.
Lon live the bagpipers, nope I have neither seen one of those but their good from the look sof it. Silence is important very sensitive information. Me I know many stories of the jesuit order but know they are not from G-d but masonic order for power and money. I'm still finishing season 1 and 2 of david still in season 1. season 3 will be awesome.
What i'm doing is very complicated I know you don't understand. But for me people who have watch did understand. I did not use advance graphics because I don't have such an advance computer. Believe me I would do advance graphics and due to time. How things are in the world several complications like you know have thwarted all my goals.
Thank you Choi wait till I finish because what I have written and made will make people understand the most important secrets of the bible. And i'm A 20 year old christian who dedicated A lot of time reading and learning. Don't think I don't know it took me 4 months understand the concept of cartoon making, 3 months to master synfig and 2 month to understand blender and lipsync.
I work for long time and have good things and I know it could be better but did it simple and cheap. I did the music, animation, the concept idea, and the whole thing and I did it fast. 2 weeks to make A cartoon while it takes people 1 month or 2 month. I work and have A living. It wasn't easy for me to get 7 month journey. Believe me wait until I finish and you will see what I say will make you even question religion and finding the true things in the bible and make people doubt themselves.
@grumix8 I'm a 28 year old degenerate comedian character artist who Jesus still loves presumably, who's worked on films and video games for the last 10 years of varying scopes, from Diablo 3 to indie games like What Remains of Edith Finch. Your story is one of hundreds I have heard from other creatives in Los Angeles, especially the entertainment professionals I know at my church and the strip clubs, comedy shows, improv theaters, bars, and alleyways of this city of tacos, sweat, and gasoline.
Take it from me, if you want more people to understand and absorb the work you're doing, you need to work smarter and scope down.
That's really dope that you're puttting in all this free time effort, Dersu, but working hard doesn't automatically mean you're going to get the best results. Work smart, Scope it down, make this more managable and efficient for yourself. Think about the shows you love, and then read the credits. It takes ARMIES of artists to get a minute of great, memorable video done. Even the animators on youtube have teams of editors and animators getting the busy work done for 15 minute videos.
We're not your friends or family, we're strangers (but professionals) on the internet. I'm assuming you'd like for your complicated work to also be understood by people outside of your personal circles, right?
I don't think your degenerate and Jesus he loves ya, your very intillegent. I'm not from L.A. my story is different then theirs and it's dope you said and you called me dersu, i'm not dersu I know people with that name ;D. I'll ask you Choi to wait and you will see something amazing, my knowlegde and reading hebrew is very dedicated . I am a 20 year old christian I know hard for you to understand your not christian I feel you have battle with Christ in your heart and the devil must be attacking.
You know I also make cartoons about P-bots and Pugs:Weasley and Pugsley's adventure. But G-d was more important to make don't worry i'm making A season and all the mistakes you say i'm correcting. Thank you for asking.
@grumix8 especially the entertainment professionals I know at my church and the strip clubs, comedy shows, improv theaters, bars, and alleyways of this city of tacos, sweat, and gasoline.
Take your time to read and understand the wisdom I'm trying to give you. Please. You're 20. You still have a lot of soft skills to learn. You're going to have a bad time if you expect your work to be receieved well if you don't work smart.
sorry i'm not dersu and i'm not 20 ;D i'm older than you. Thank you I do hear wisdom and your wise Choi simply I play coy with people no disrespect to you. I intend no disrespect I apologize didn't mean to offend you. I hear your wisdom and know I will finish my series. G-d has given me a mission in life and I do preach the word in the streets.
... i'm not 20 ;D i'm older than you. Thank you I do hear wisdom and your wise Choi simply I play coy with people no disrespect to you. I intend no disrespect I apologize didn't mean to offend you...
no no no you misunderstood i'm older than 30 yrs but 20yrs being A christian knowing G-d and reading the bible that sort of stuff. Please don't call people liars I see Choi your smart but I see you don't understand the way of talk like the old days, when people say A day is a night and morning complete and sometimes people will say a day isn't A night but 24 hours exactly. And I said like 20 yrs christian through out my life, but i'm older than 30 yrs.
I did not mean to be confusing you did not understand what way i was speaking, I was speaking I had a night and day and was not exact. night being my 20 yrs and day meaning my 30yrs you know sometimes the bible speaks that way.
Don't play coy with strangers. I had a guy, upon first meeting me, once double down on a "joke" saying a satire article was the real truth as he presented it to me, and the next time he said he wanted to hire me as a professional musician on his production crew, I had very little interest in joining him on anything.
I did take some free weed brownies from him though.
hahahah XD okay my next episode is coming up just finish making the verses of the bible episode 4 is about the law and how the law is not to stop people tryng to worship G-d ;D.
I think you're trying to fill too many shoes. If you're modeling, texturing, animating, lighting, sound design, script, voice acting... It's just not going to be up to scratch my my dude. All aspects of your show are super low quality. If you want to make a series, you're going to need a team. You yourself need a specialty, instead of just doing everything. Figure out what your specialty will be, and try to get really good at that specific skill.
My good friend believe me besides this I also farm and do A lot of work and do this. I can but because of all the promblems coming and the lockdown has made it hard for everyone. I see but I can and will get better. Wait for me. Because beside this i'm learning to speak greek and Hebrew. Believe me if I dedicate to one thing will dominate it but since i have many responsibilites which i must attend.
There is nothing new about your message. Your production suffers from a number of problems. Using new media doesn't automatically enhance communication, especially if you use that media incorrectly.
thank you Kanga I have made great progress I didn't understand how to make cartoons and it's hard. Break that threshold and did something amazing. You will see I get better ;D.
Looks like you put a lot of work and effort into this. Making a whole animated series is a big task, especially if you are a one man team. Depending on your goals, if you are focused purely on telling your animated story and not so much on modelling, an easier way to continue to make your series might be to use pre-made assets from various stores (many are free).
I think you will improve as you continue and learn more, so hope you keep at it
spent like 1 and half in working in the the cartoons made 11 episodes of this subject reavels the psalm of the women, their place in the high status of the law, equal status and low status of the law. Know such wonders as women can have property fo the brother of his husband which if the husband is dead the brother deosn't want to get married can he rebuke her she gets the house and lives a single life. Also women can't go to the arm and enlist only me could also women had laws that protected them.
Know there was A queen when it was not allowed in the law and the story of women who were at the times of the abraham and moses did things we didnt' know. More secrets of women revealed and know their psalms which is their power of the psalms.
Nice to see i appreciate you sharing your creative works with a nice meaning, I like the animations, they do take a long time and a lot of work, when i try to do it anyway, but i agree, the static noise is rough and your face might be to close to the mic, i made a "sound proof, type of solution", when i tried to sing a song to him i wrote, (tbh i would've rather hired a person to sing it.
Did look up how to sing and did some practices and warming up and study for about 3 weeks before i recorded my little thing, it was originally very slow and like 5 minutes but i felt people wouldn't listen to anything that long)anyway, where i took a Styrofoam cube (enclosed top lid opens) on the top lid punched 4 holes into it with a pencil and added small twirls of napkin pieces into the 4 (not blocking air, think a lightly added "thin paper" to the holes you can probably just take a napkin on the front but i didn't do that i added 4 pieces of ripped off napkin) to the holes, put the webcam mic inside of it and used that as a "special microphone, silent room", type of solution since i am broke.
It worked for me, didn't pick up any background or made any static i used the OLD version of Audacity the new one i do not know what they are doing with it. It was free back then so if they made it paid for, i didn't pay for it since it was free and i had it before it switched hands to alternative owners.
I get you want people to read the scriptures also and its a nice touch even if both agree with it and disagree with it, i would read all the text you put, i kind of get what you are going for but people generally won't pause a video to read all the words. All the best, i was pleasantly surprised to see this here and how much you've done, i look forward to your progress and learning and renewing of work if you decide to excel in the visual appeal of your videos.
Ash thank you gonna buy new mic mine is old and need new one and going to buy new equipment to make new level of cartoons you will see soon in the new Season3 and making new stuff soon.Now that finished going to finsih the last 7 to 10 episode of season 1 based on works save us and the temple is the body and we did not need use of the temple. Wait for Season 3 where the angels will be placed if angels have wings or not and freewill is it biblical or not. Also starting A new series "YEVA" the women the opposite and ahs the same advetures then make the cure of corelia. Also making something new and making A game gta style with David the modern day christians.
Sorry IAM717 ging to fix that will work soon going to upgrade the series will go farther for G-d. Have A lot greats tuff and still stronger than befoe I ahve so much dedication Truth will never surrender for him ;D.
will excel this going to be the level of evoution.
and make A game. Small but aim it to be like GTa freedom but moral lesson in it. If anyone cna help the tutorial for this animation thanks will study it and go further ;D.
Have you ever watched Martin Scorsese's "Silence" before?
Or the TV series "Rami?"
Right now, what you're making seems unintelligible, unorganized, and unattractive despite the artistic intentions.
I would really look into simplifying and scoping down what you're trying to do.
Look to games like "That Dragon, Cancer," or shows like VeggieTales, as ways to effectively, and succinctly, bring faith into various mediums.
I'm a 28 year old degenerate comedian character artist who Jesus still loves presumably, who's worked on films and video games for the last 10 years of varying scopes, from Diablo 3 to indie games like What Remains of Edith Finch. Your story is one of hundreds I have heard from other creatives in Los Angeles, especially the entertainment professionals I know at my church and the strip clubs, comedy shows, improv theaters, bars, and alleyways of this city of tacos, sweat, and gasoline.
Take it from me, if you want more people to understand and absorb the work you're doing, you need to work smarter and scope down.
That's really dope that you're puttting in all this free time effort, Dersu, but working hard doesn't automatically mean you're going to get the best results. Work smart, Scope it down, make this more managable and efficient for yourself. Think about the shows you love, and then read the credits. It takes ARMIES of artists to get a minute of great, memorable video done. Even the animators on youtube have teams of editors and animators getting the busy work done for 15 minute videos.
We're not your friends or family, we're strangers (but professionals) on the internet. I'm assuming you'd like for your complicated work to also be understood by people outside of your personal circles, right?
You're telling me this isn't your Patreon, Dersu Aspiazu?
Don't play coy with strangers. I had a guy, upon first meeting me, once double down on a "joke" saying a satire article was the real truth as he presented it to me, and the next time he said he wanted to hire me as a professional musician on his production crew, I had very little interest in joining him on anything.
I did take some free weed brownies from him though.
Making a whole animated series is a big task, especially if you are a one man team.
Depending on your goals, if you are focused purely on telling your animated story and not so much on modelling, an easier way to continue to make your series might be to use pre-made assets from various stores (many are free).
I think you will improve as you continue and learn more, so hope you keep at it
https://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=1CE0JJNU, https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm38912403 , and https://www.veoh.com/watch/v142126099WYqn5XXy.
Follow David and know the secrets of the bible and know how faith works and it’s secrets.
The Plan Of G-d
Here look at the secrets fo women in the bible and find the truth.
spent like 1 and half in working in the the cartoons made 11 episodes of this subject reavels the psalm of the women, their place in the high status of the law, equal status and low status of the law. Know such wonders as women can have property fo the brother of his husband which if the husband is dead the brother deosn't want to get married can he rebuke her she gets the house and lives a single life. Also women can't go to the arm and enlist only me could also women had laws that protected them.
Know there was A queen when it was not allowed in the law and the story of women who were at the times of the abraham and moses did things we didnt' know. More secrets of women revealed and know their psalms which is their power of the psalms.
I think you need a better mic dude
Nice to see i appreciate you sharing your creative works with a nice meaning, I like the animations, they do take a long time and a lot of work, when i try to do it anyway, but i agree, the static noise is rough and your face might be to close to the mic, i made a "sound proof, type of solution", when i tried to sing a song to him i wrote, (tbh i would've rather hired a person to sing it.
Did look up how to sing and did some practices and warming up and study for about 3 weeks before i recorded my little thing, it was originally very slow and like 5 minutes but i felt people wouldn't listen to anything that long)anyway, where i took a Styrofoam cube (enclosed top lid opens) on the top lid punched 4 holes into it with a pencil and added small twirls of napkin pieces into the 4 (not blocking air, think a lightly added "thin paper" to the holes you can probably just take a napkin on the front but i didn't do that i added 4 pieces of ripped off napkin) to the holes, put the webcam mic inside of it and used that as a "special microphone, silent room", type of solution since i am broke.
It worked for me, didn't pick up any background or made any static i used the OLD version of Audacity the new one i do not know what they are doing with it. It was free back then so if they made it paid for, i didn't pay for it since it was free and i had it before it switched hands to alternative owners.
I get you want people to read the scriptures also and its a nice touch even if both agree with it and disagree with it, i would read all the text you put, i kind of get what you are going for but people generally won't pause a video to read all the words. All the best, i was pleasantly surprised to see this here and how much you've done, i look forward to your progress and learning and renewing of work if you decide to excel in the visual appeal of your videos.
Ash thank you gonna buy new mic mine is old and need new one and going to buy new equipment to make new level of cartoons you will see soon in the new Season3 and making new stuff soon.Now that finished going to finsih the last 7 to 10 episode of season 1 based on works save us and the temple is the body and we did not need use of the temple. Wait for Season 3 where the angels will be placed if angels have wings or not and freewill is it biblical or not. Also starting A new series "YEVA" the women the opposite and ahs the same advetures then make the cure of corelia. Also making something new and making A game gta style with David the modern day christians.
Sorry IAM717 ging to fix that will work soon going to upgrade the series will go farther for G-d. Have A lot greats tuff and still stronger than befoe I ahve so much dedication Truth will never surrender for him ;D.
will excel this going to be the level of evoution.
and make A game. Small but aim it to be like GTa freedom but moral lesson in it. If anyone cna help the tutorial for this animation thanks will study it and go further ;D.
wait please going to post soon
Here group of people are playing with God and dancing with him. Truly great video for david and season finale.
Check it out nice lyricis.
Nice !!!
Just watch good fight and have Gabriel and God.
Aeve TMDC: Episode 4- The Mosaic Law was made for women and The plan of God in those days ?