I am recently experimenting with tone mapping in game and one thing I don't quite enjoy is to open photoshop and manually create cube files.
Unfortunately my engine and pipeline (Unity + HDRP) only accepts cube files, not HALD strip texture (1024x32), so I need to think of a workflow that allow me to both tonemap and export to cube files.
I wonder if there are ways we can do this in other smaller tools (be it premium, open-sourced, or web-based), or things like Substance Designer, which we can quickly iterate the result.
Suggestion welcomed!
I would have used cubeMapGen before that:
Based on a brief read of the documentation it looks like Photoshop is probably the easiest way to do the job tbh.
The issue is not creating the correct data (although that's a challenge on itself) it's exporting the correct format.
You could make an exporter for substance designer if you put the work in but it would be a distinctly non-trivial exercise.
You might find something useful if you start digging here though
Affinity's LUT export feature:
https://affinity.help/photo/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Adjustments/export_3dLut.html?title=Exporting custom adjustments as LUTs
And Polarr, a web-based tool that can do a bit quick LUT adjustment: