Hello! this has been a long time coming and I've finally had the chance to finish this project. I wanted to post it here first and hear what people thought of it before I put it on my portfolio

This is of course the Arenanet art test, the low poly model is 7,482 tris and all textures are on a 1024 x 1024 map.
Let me know what you think!
Anatomy wise, it feels like she has no trapzeius at all. Either that or no neck; it's a bit disorienting.
Face should have been mirrored. My initial read sees no real justification for asymmetrical, full UV'd out face.
Clothing material definition at a good start, but it could stand some more details to make each uniquely pop. Leather reads about as clean as the metal. The cloth skirt needs some sort of hint at a fabric threading. Consider how each material receives and keeps blemishes like body oil or dirt. Experiment with using noisy roughness layers or noisy normal blemishes to separate materials out.
Good job processing the fur cape if the hard limit was keeping it as alpha cards.
Thanks for the pointers I'll look into them!