Hey, everyone, I've been working on my Azula 3D fan art. Any critiques are welcomed I have her face currently fixed so I did a Zbrush BPR render with my Proxy Hair. Below the face and expressions I've done you will see the Hair cards I put which is rendered in Marmoset. The Issue I have with Zbrush to Marmoset so far it distorts the face I tried Unifying In Zbrush and changing the camera focal lense around but can't seem to get it right on Marmoset has anyone come across this issue?
Thank you for looking! And if you like this work and want to see more too I have work posted on Instagram

So below is the marmoset Toolbag render with my hair cards and the face being distorted in comparison to ZBrush Which is up above.

In the export options, I put 1,1,1 as the scale. How would you recommend combatting that camera skew? If I'm Doing a full body? Originally I had it pretty big I still have that version saved. Even then the camera skewing was an issue. I've been trying to get it to match up with my Zbrush file for a while but it has stumped me. This is the first time it has happened to me. I have made other projects that didn't do this.
I did some reading on the camera with Zbrush, they say the 50MM camera is actually an 80MM standard camera in Maya and marmoset? I came across this article but I Couldn't make sense of it?
Thank you for looking! -F