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Hand sculpting exercises

Hi, guys! Today I did a few hands as an exercise - each one was roughly an hour (the time limit is there just so I wouldn't be too obsessed with details - and focus on the overall shape and forms - and have as many iterations as possible). The aim wasn't to get the project to completion ASAP. It turned out that an hour is just about the right time I needed for this without obsessing with speed, although I have had other issues with that. They are numbered in order of completion.

As far as #1 goes, I honestly did not expect too much of it and I didn't get much. Blocking out the palm and the wrist really took up a lot of time with that one and it still ended up being a mess.

Regarding #2 - it ended up being my favourite somehow, I exaggerated the knuckles - firstly, just to give myself landmarks for orientation ; secondly, I liked the overall look (I know that the knuckles would never be *that* prominent). I like the shape and gesture of the thumb. What I don't like is that weird bulge on the wrist.

After that, #3 #4 and #5 aren't showing enough (if any) progress. In retrospect, I grew too confident and started to hurry the whole process a bit - I would slow myself down when I was conscious of it, but I couldn't change the overall direction. The sausage-shaped fingers are really bothering me, but that's another consequence of speeding up; I couldn't get the shape right on an axis, something would always be off - the nail wouldn't align with the knuckles or each knuckle was rotated a bit of center line etc.

If you don't mind, I really need a hand (heh) with this. If you could tell me what problems do you see with the sculpt, and the areas I hopefully did well, what to pay special attention to, etc. I need a few pointers to take it in the right direction and understand sculpting the hand better. I used the Anatomy for Sculptors and a few other anatomical references to get the job done properly. I would be much obliged. Thank you in advance. :)

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