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[WIP] Nike Tech Trainer

polycounter lvl 5
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ShinKaiser polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this forum, but thought I'd join as I'd like to up my modelling skills. First, a bit of background on my situation to help you see where I'm coming from: I work as a freelance motion designer, yet I love to model in my spare time. Often my work calls for it but not predominantly. I can use Cinema 4D very well and am comfortable modelling anything low poly with it. High Poly I haven't really tried to be honest.
Recently I realised that Maya holds a lot of weight in the professional studios so for the last 3 months I have been using Maya exclusively to model. If anyone's interested I'll report my findings on Maya as a C4D user. Not only am I learning Maya but also good practises to modelling that I didn't take into consideration at first. I decided to model a concept illustration by the artist Dmitry Stukov:

This image struck the right balance of being visual appealing to me while presenting a modelling challenge.  While I love modelling I also intend to place it in an animation of some kind (I am a motion designer after all), After texturing it up with Substance Painter. But first things first, I set about modelling the base mesh.

I was going to post the above pics ages ago but I wasn't sure when I would have anything more to show. Well ~a month and a half later, I finally made some progress. By this time I had become a lot more comfortable modelling with Maya. I started by modelling the Sole and front of the shoe exactly as I saw in the reference pic. By the time I got to the back and sides, I felt I could add my own interpretation. Especially at the back which I made curve out a bit more.

If anyone can please tell me how to get those elements in wireframe, OUT of wireframe that would be most helpful. It's nothing to do with the layer they are in. I have no idea why it won't come out of wireframe mode.

Below I've posted a wireframe of the shoe. I know there'll be lots of comments/criticism based on these but I guess that's what I'm here for. I planned poorly for the are around the front of the Nike logo and struggled because of it. I planned better for the other half of the logo and it shows.


Going forward, I plan to take the show into Zbrush and sculpt in some detail. (I did plan to box model all of it like in the sole of the shoe, but I figured with Zbrush it's faster and easier - even though I don't know zBrush that well). I'm definitely going to define the grips of the shoe in Zbrush.

In addition to working with Maya for the first time. I also ran into a lot of weird behaviour with the application. I'll list these if anyone's interested but the predominant one was definitely a bug. Often, vertices would shift whenever I made loop cuts. even when I delete history etc. It still happens, and when it does you cannot undo it. A Polycount user had the same issue here:

At fist I thought it was just the knife took, but the same bug happens even when using the connect tool. Edge flow is turned off - see below

This is the object before making a loop cut - note the area circled in green...

...And after - Does anyone else get this issue? In the end I resolved it by duplicating the object, then making the cut and deleting the duplicate. When you duplicate, maya seems to 'play nice' after that- strange.

Anyway, all comments and criticisms welcome - thank you :)


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