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Zbrush how to eliminate pinch when creasing and subd?

polycounter lvl 7
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vlaint polycounter lvl 7
Hi. I'm currently doing an armor part and this is my first one with proper topology(atleast I think it is) since all I've been doing before was just dynamesh. The issue I'm facing is if I don't crease all the way to the top there is pinching or the polygons collapse after the crease. I've tried adding 1 polyloop side by side of the point instead of the crease and while it solved the pinching there is now a noticeable line across the surface when subdividing. How would I go about doing this? One idea I have is just separate the curved green polygroup and make into a separate subtool but I'm curious what changes to the topology do I need to do to make it work.


  • vlaint
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    vlaint polycounter lvl 7
    just an update I seem to have gotten rid of the pinch when subdividing with a change in topology. I dunno if the topology is acceptable though. Or can I just go wild with it since no animation will be done on armor pieces?
  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    If it looks fine after sub-d and has no artifacting/pinching, dont worry about topology. Especially because you're just sculpting it afterwards, I imagine.
  • Yerus
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    Yerus polycounter lvl 5
    Are you going to subdivide it for the final product? Because, if you are not, then there is no need to adjust it. Plus: if you get the endurance, you can tweak the normals of the mesh to look like there is a crease there when actually there isn't.
  • vlaint
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    vlaint polycounter lvl 7
    Kanni3d said:
    If it looks fine after sub-d and has no artifacting/pinching, dont worry about topology. Especially because you're just sculpting it afterwards, I imagine.
    Good to know. Thanks
    Yerus said:
    Are you going to subdivide it for the final product? Because, if you are not, then there is no need to adjust it. Plus: if you get the endurance, you can tweak the normals of the mesh to look like there is a crease there when actually there isn't.
    I will subdivide it to add some smoothing on crease so as to not look so sharp. To be honest though I still haven't fully grasped a good workflow. My plan for now is subdividing it a few times so I can smoothen the edges. I still have no experience with UV or normal mapping(actually I dunno if they are the same lol) but was hoping to do so on this current project. Like will I be able to get the smoother edges of the subdivided sculpt and bake it to the base mesh and get the smooth edge on lowpoly?
  • vlaint
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    vlaint polycounter lvl 7

    Pretty much figured everything out. Anyways just thought to share the final output. Also thank you for the inputs.
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