So after three months learning blender for modelling and gimp for uv painting I've come up with this. It's created for a mobile game using UE4 and will be unlit in the engine. The props, wheels, rudder etc are separate for rigging.
2642 Tris, 512 pixel uv

Don't be afraid to shade the textures, just use dithering patterns as needed to stay within your color budget. Also, I count 14 colors in your palette but you can have 16 if you're going for 4-bit color (or 15 displayed if you want to use one as a mask like many old games did).
The animation is rendered in blender and has flat shading which won't be in engine. I haven't tried, but I thought I could bake flat shading into the texture at some predetermined angle. I'll also try adding some grunge to add a bit of life.
I hadn't really thought of a color budget. I just wanted to keep it simple!
This example is using a 1024 (no engine goals in mind)
This still has some bad uv spacing but you get the idea, pack it in better now so you do not do more work later if you choose to use this(your current design) at any point. Something old i did once to learn for the heck of it. It utilizes the normal mapping though and you seem to just want the diffuse option for phones.
Example of someone making a game for mobile that also uses planes:
This guy made some stuff for mobile you can see how detailed he got so you can expect a similar result since his was paid work, its best to look for examples get the proper setup (uv space/textures) then get to pumping out some nice planes for any games.
P.s. i'd also ask that guy and hard specific questions, whether he answers though is another issue, Best of luck.
If you are going to go that low on the texturing colors might as well make the maps smaller also, bottom left in your uv/texture layout. If its pixels only you can get away with a lot there with very little. Very cool for 3 months, nice.
I really like the art style of that Skies of Fury game, thanks for the reference.