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Would I be viable as an environment artist if I don't do large terrain generation?

polycounter lvl 4
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ned_poreyra polycounter lvl 4
Does it "go without saying" that an environment artist knows how to create and handle large terrain masses? Or is it just one of the specializations in the field and it would be clearly stated as a requirement in the job offer? I'm not interested at all in learning World Machine, terrain height maps, erosion processes and so on.


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    It's a very specialised role, if they want someone who knows how to do it they'll specify it in the job description
  • YF_Sticks
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    YF_Sticks polycounter lvl 7
    You're fine without it. Learn it if you need it (if you would make an outdoor organic scene for example), but it's not a need to show it in your portfolio. I recommend you to just learn the basics. Like, understand how it's done. Just watch a few videos about it and you'll get the basic understanding. 
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