The position has been fulfilled---
Hi, I am looking to commission at least one 3D face model for
an existing app that uses the iPhone's realtime face tracking. Each model needs to support the
blend shapes used by iOS. In terms of direction, I'm looking for something similar to the
mask style model that iOS ships with.
Additional info about the project:
- Front part of the face only (ears forward)
- Low poly (a few thousand triangles)
- Geometry only. Untextured.
- You can re-use existing assets (provided you have permission

The face models need to realistic but will not be shown in much detail so the model/animation proportions may need to be exaggerated. Check out
the app for examples of how the model is being used today.
I'd like to start with a generic, unisex face. If that goes will, I'd also be interested in a more traditionally masculine face and a more traditionally feminine one.
Message me if interested. Work paid with flexible delivery schedule.