Hi everyone!
This was a piece based on an illustration by Shark.heads (check her on
You can watch the making of the piece
here on youtube!

I really liked the concept of a cardboard box being turned into a bakery. Visually It was quite different from what I'm used to making so it was fun trying new things.
I can see the style conflict that you mean. I guess the clash between the sylized model and the Nestle texture. Maybe if I were to hand-paint it instead of using the current texture it would fit better.
It was a surprise to see the original illustration, I really like the way you added your own touch.
I got around and applied some of the recomendations you gave me.
I like how it looks tho the bakery and the base feel a bit disconected. Maybe if I added some potted plants? Maybe some small rocks/stones ?
I'll keep thinking about it.